Friday, June 28, 2013

Fabulous Friday

Today the Graveyard game had mixed reviews, one of us liked it and one of us didn't.
Math was good and we learned about LDC, the lowest common denominator.
Math was not my favorite.

Bridge is awesome and a lot of work.
I like the morning activities.
I haven't really made any new friends yet.

By Jair and Samate 5B

Finally Friday

We watched a Pronoun video today and read a really long chapter and a really short chapter in Holes.
In the morning we played grave yard.
We prefer math to english at this point, but the book Holes is kind of interesting.
We went over the vocabulary and we got to write our blog post :-)

By Baltazar and Emilio B.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Nouns and Holes

Nouns video

Learn more about Louis Sachar here

I made a mistake about nouns in 5A, freedom is a noun! OOoops

Posted by Ms Scott

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Such a big word for testing.
It was kinda stressful, but we finished!
Can't wait to get on with learning and regular class :-)
Ms Scott

Monday, June 24, 2013

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Welcome to the Peninsula Summer Bridge Program
We are going to have some fun, be goofy, make mistakes and hopefully enjoy spending some time together in ELA class.
We will be reading, writing and studying grammar.
We will be making a project in 5 weeks that you will be proud of!