Thursday, July 18, 2013

Bridge Peninsula is the Best

Bridge Peninsula Is the Best
                                                           By Pablo Q.

The first day of bridge I was nervous. I didn’t know anybody but if I come every day I will get to meet new people and make friends. My new friends are called Noe, Lalo, Salvador, and Eric, and more.In math class they teach percecntages,algebra,decimals,and fractions. I learned new things that I didn’t know. We are reading the book called Holes. When we read more, we got to learn new things. When we finish the book we will get to watch the movie. The second week we got to choose electives. I chose swimming and rain gutter regatta. We saw the movie Rango and we are started to watch Mulan. This summer is the best .                

Salvador, Eric, Noe and Pablo hanging out after working in the computer lab.

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