Thursday, July 18, 2013


We do some really fun stuff at bridge. We do electives in the afternoon. The electives I did last time were raingutter, swimming, robotics, and life science. It was a blast. There are other electives like arts and crafts, drama, dance, and others. I am still doing swimming and robotics.This is my favorite part of bridge.

There are also TA’s like Molly, Mikey, Dani, David, Marcelino, and Julicous. T.A. means teachers assistant. My sister is a T.A. at bridge at Castilleja. Molly and David are the reading and ELA class TA’s with Ms. Scott. Dani and Julicous are in the math class with Ms. B.

There are also some fun academics because in the reading groups we are reading Holes and next week we are going to watch the movie. First we need to finish eleven chapters. In reading class we still do other grammar, such as how to make your paragraph better. Also in math class we learned about taxes, fractions, algebra, decimals, and percentages.We also watch brain pop videos in both of the classes in reading class and math class. We also have science if you take robotics, rain gutter, and others. We have lots of fun stuff here. I would go to bridge if I were you.

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